Do I need a referral?

A referral is not required to see a BetterLife Physiotherapist. However, if you are returning home from hospital after an operation or significant illness or injury, it is helpful for us to have some details of your medical issues from the Physiotherapist, Doctor or allied health professional involved in your care. You can ask for a “Discharge letter” or a “transfer letter” to provide us with the basic information about your hospital admission.

Your referral can also come from a doctor, allied health professional (physio, occupational therapist, social worker), nurse or care coordinator.  Referrals can be made by phone, fax, email or online.

Do private health insurance rebates apply?

Private health insurance rebates apply for all consultations & exercise sessions. Rebates vary depending on your coverage so please check rebate levels with your health insurance provider.

Do Medicare rebates apply?

A Medicare rebate for physiotherapy exists under the Chronic Disease Management (CDM) program (previously known as Medicare Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) program). This program provides support for people with chronic conditions and complex care needs. Through the EPC program, up to five allied health services per year are subsidised via a rebate. To access Medicare funded physiotherapy, please speak to your GP about whether you are eligible for this initiative.

For more information about the CDM program talk to your GP.  Information is also available on the Medicare Australia Website or call Medicare Australia on 132 011.

What should I expect at a home visit?

During the first visit, your Physio will ask several questions about your current physical condition and your physical goals. As part of the assessment, you will be required to perform a number of physical actions to help us determine your current functional level (such as how well you walk, your balance, and general strength). We may ask you to demonstrate certain day to day tasks around your house, such as getting in and out of bed or going up and down steps. We will help identify balance hazards around the house or make suggestions about useful aids or equipment. Together with you (and your family or carers if appropriate), we will develop a training or treatment program based on agreed goals.

How should I prepare for the home visit?

You should wear comfortable loose, clothes and footwear. Runners are perfect. During the physiotherapy consultations, we ask you to please avoid distractions and interruptions such as the phone or television. We welcome family members or carers to be involved in the consultation if desired.

What payment options do you offer?

BetterLife invoices are sent by our Accounts team and we accept VISA, MasterCard, bank transfer and personal cheques.