
BetterLife Physio is committed to maintaining the safety, health and wellbeing of our clients, their families and team in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our team follow the National Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 outlined by the Department of Health including completion of relevant Infection Control Training modules and staying on top of evolving information. 

The BetterLife Physio team specialises in delivering healthcare to older Australians. Older people are more vulnerable to serious complications of COVID-19, therefore minimising the risk of transmission of infection is especially important. 

Our team members implement strict protective measures to keep the community safe and prevent the spread of infection including the following: 

  • Our team members are fully vaccinated.

  • Covid-19 Risk screening questionnaire checklist prior to each visit.

  • Frequent hand sanitising with alcohol-based hand sanitisers before, periodically during and after patient consultations and hand-washing where possible.

  • Face masks and eye protection where directed by the Department of Health (https://www.health.gov.au/news/health-alerts/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-alert#health-and-aged-care-sector-advice

  • Maintaining physical distance where possible during interactions and where physical contact is necessary for example during a rehabilitation or treatment technique, explaining instructions prior to the technique and minimising conversation during close contact.

  • Conducting sessions in well-ventilated areas or outdoors.

  • Avoiding non-essential contact of high touch surfaces, equipment, avoiding touching face or handshakes and other physical greetings.

  • Practicing appropriate cough and sneeze into elbow etiquette.

  • Avoiding or thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting shared multi-visit use equipment such as pens/papers/ health and rehab equipment.

  • Providing telehealth consultations where appropriate. Telehealth (hyperlink to https://choose.physio/telehealth) is an option many medical and health professionals have adopted during this time.

 Older people are at higher risk of functional decline and loss of independence at home due to disuse, and home physiotherapy remains an important rehab option for older people during the covid-19 pandemic, minimising the need to access a busy, centre based program.